
To break down the medicinal chemistry & DMPK capability barrier, a hallmark of the MedChem Australia model is the provision of an 80% subsidy to successful applicants.

MedChem Australia provides an 80% subsidy, meaning that successful applicants will contribute 20% of the total MedChem Australia project costs. The 80% subsidy will be applied to already low “internal” FTE rates. Additional support such as supervision and senior leadership input will be provided to projects in-kind.

Amount of resource allocated to a project will be dependent upon each project’s specific requirements and will be agreed to at the project plan and project agreement stage.

Example costs

Cost after subsidy for a project with a single chemist allocated is ~ $30,000 – $43,000 per 12-month period. This includes consumables and DMPK resources. Typically, a project will have between 1 – 3 medicinal chemists allocated, depending on project stage and requirements. For projects with more than one chemist allocated, costs will be a multiple thereof.